Nike London's Nothing Beats a Londoner Campaign has caused controversy.

Sadiq Khan tweeted that he could not have filmed the advert better himself.  But for London’s British Asians, some feel aggrieved of their lack of inclusion in the advert.

With the campaign gaining admiration of thousands for illuminating London’s fledgling BAME community, some British Asians took to Twitter to vent their frustration.

London’s largest ethnic group

British Asians represent London’s largest ethnic minority group – in Whitechapel alone, almost half of its community are British Asian.

“It’s very strange, British Asians represent a significant part of London’s identity” says Shafi Musaddique, a born and bred Londoner native to south Asia.

“The advert reveals perpetual stereotypes that UK culture holds on Asians in that they don’t do sport”.

“Don’t get me wrong, diversity of athletes and artists [in the advert] deserve that platform, but it’s about what Nike don’t say”.

I didn’t even notice

But others argue Asians need to shape their own presence.

Jyoti, an Asian Londoner says a lot of the issue comes down to the group itself.

“I didn’t even notice we aren’t represented. Why? A lot of it comes down to us”.

Despite this, assessing ‘blindspots’ in representation is what Shafi Musaddique holds most imperative.

Nothing Beats A Londoner?

Nike has yet to respond to City News’ requests to comment on London’s British Asians’ criticisms.

‘Nothing Beats A Londoner’, Nike’s new ad campaign champions London’s multicultural youth population whom shape their city’s sport and culture.

258 young Londoners took part, with Nike saying they want to highlight the “unexplored side of London”.

Also featuring are series of household stars. The list includes Mo Farah, Harry Kane, Steph Houghton, Skepta and Little Simz.

Areas such as Dalston, Peckham and Brixton are made larger than life, Nike say: showing the capital as a playground for sport.

Native Londoner, Abbey says this evokes memories of growing up.

“The Peckham thing! With its ‘multi-purpose’ playgrounds, they bring so many memories. It makes the advert so relatable to Londoners”.

Tune in to City News at 3:30pm for the full report…